how to stop feeling like crap

How To Shift From Depression To Creative Expression

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How To Shift From Depression To Creative Expression

Want to know how to stop feeling like crap and set your artistic expression free? Learn how to boost your creativity with creativity exercises and energy practices.

Stop feeling like crap and shift from depression to creative expression with Amy B. Scher. Transform the way you think, feel, and create and reclaim your creative flow and artistic joy.

Creative people all know what it’s like to be stuck. Stuck energy equals stuck projects. Bestselling author and teacher Amy B. Scher has a message for any creative who is feeling stymied by their art: It doesn’t have to be this way.

So how can you learn how to stop feeling like crap and regain your creative flow? An important part of creative expression is getting through the blocks.

Amy B. Scher helps you move through your inner obstacles with the following tips:

  • Rule #1: Create without expectation
  • Rule #2: Befriend, don’t berate (yourself or your project)
  • Rule #3: No one cares so you better

There’s much more to experience in this course, but the key is: as you learn to change your mindset and approach to creativity, you’ll experience more flow and joy.

In her upcoming new program, Stop Feeling Like Sh*t: From Depression to Creative Expression, Amy introduces her breakthrough approach for changing the way you think, feel, and work in order to re-energize your creativity.

If you’re struggling to find your creative expression, join Amy B. Scher in Stop Feeling Like Sh*t to learn a transformational step-by-step approach to unlock your creative expression and shift from depression and other stuck places to a state of creative flow.

Amy B. Scher Will Show You:

  • How to change your creative mindset and set your artistic expression free
  • Energy therapy skills to release blocks and support your natural creative flow
  • Guided practices for whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed

With Stop Feeling Like Sh*t, you will learn how to change your creative mindset and set your artistic expression free, explore energy therapy skills to release blocks and support your natural creative flow, and receive guided practices for whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed.

Click here to Shift from Depression to Creative Expression

Creativity Exercises
How To Boost Creativity
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